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Leon Trotsky 19321123 Press Statement on Reaching Esbjerg

Leon Trotsky: Press Statement on Reaching Esbjerg

November 23, 1932

[Writing of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 4, 1932, New York 1973, p. 314]

Dear Sirs,

I am pleased to visit your hospitable country for the second time in my life. The first time the occasion was an international socialist congress, almost a quarter-century ago. Despite the shortness of my stay then, I took back the most pleasant memories of your capital, Copenhagen. My wife remembers even today the splendid photographs, postcards, etc. that I sent her from Copenhagen.

I come now, as you are all aware, at the invitation of the Danish Social Democratic student organization in order to give an account of the Russian Revolution. The goal of my lecture is to explain the historical lawfulness of the Russian Revolution. Unfortunately I do not speak Danish, and will therefore deliver the lecture in German.

One small supplemental remark, in some respects an apology: In response to a telegraphed request, I promised an interview — not a political one — to a Copenhagen paper. This was to be obtained in Marseilles by the correspondent of the paper in question. The late arrival of the ship and the necessity of overtaking the train in an automobile made it impossible to fulfill this promise. It was not my fault, but rather a force majeure.
